Thursday, 10 March 2011

Bioethics talk

Did a talk at a church in Brighton a couple weeks back on Bioethics. They kindly recorded the talk and put it on their website:

This was the first time I had given this talk so it wasn't quite as polished as I may of liked and had a good deal of umming an erring, however it did seem to go down quite well and was followed with a very good question and answer session.

I find this subject really interesting as it is misunderstood by Christians who make assumptions without properly thinking things through, and by agnostics/atheists who assume that all Christians follow an ethics guided by Rome and hence oppose abortion, contraception etc. Indeed the local atheists turned up and told me that they agreed with pretty much all of what I said apart from my statement that the Christian narrative was the best framework through which to see life (and on which to base a virtue ethic). This pleased me because I respect atheists for their rigorous logic and refusal to accept jumps in reasoning.

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