Friday, 5 June 2009

Thought for the day - BBC radio solent #4

This thought was broadcast at 5:25 this morning but also at 6:50 yesterday as they cancelled my second slot on Friday due to the D-day memorials. I decided to move this thought forward to Thursday for the 6:50 slot as I think it was the most important one of the week.

Day 4: Using our tools – science and faith

This year sees a number of celebrations marking Darwin’s 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his greatest work On the Origin of Species through natural selection. From a Christian perspective, many of the Darwin media reports and programs contain a worryingly anti-faith message as they contrast supposed rational science with the irrational faith of believers. But, we must remember that in Darwin’s time the majority of scientist’s were Christians, and it was these scientists who recognized and accepted Darwin’s important ideas. Similarly today the majority of Christian’s who are professional scientists see no conflict between the theory of evolution and their faith. So why do so many people think that science and faith are in conflict?

Unfortunately, as in many areas, it is the extremists who tend to make the headlines. Both atheists and religious fundamentalists are so excitable and vocal that it is easy to get the impression that science and faith are an either, or thing. This damages the reputation of both science and faith. Many people intuitively realize that life encompasses important elements of both, so are unsure of what to make of the supposed experts who say that the scientific and the spiritual cannot be held at one time. Quite often the response is to simply not think about the issue.

But not thinking about this issue impoverishes our view of the world as it throws away the two most important tools we have for understanding our lives. Yes of course it is easier not to think about the problem, and just immerse ourselves in our own busyness, but sooner or later we will find ourselves needing to deal with deeper issues or problems. To do this we need to learn how to use the tool of science and the tool of faith. We need to learn how to be comfortable being spiritual people in a scientific world.


  1. Science says Jesus could not possibly have taken off into the sky and disappeared into a cloud on his way to Heaven.

    Faith says it must have happened because there are eyewitness reports in the Bible saying that it did.

    I know where I would put mu money, especially as our knowledge of the world is much greater than that of the Bible writers who knew nobody would call them if they made up and wrote down stories of people ascending into the sky on their way to Heaven.

  2. I think that theological truth and anthropological expediency are far more complicated subjects than most atheists appreciate. Check out "Violence unveiled" by Gil Bailie who outlines why theology is essential for human social development (based on the work of Rene Girard).
