Thursday, 25 September 2008


Last night I went to a talk by the (in?)famous australian geologist (actually schoolteacher) John MacKay. I was preparing to be outraged however was actually rather amused by the whole thing. MacKay was a very slick presenter but didn't make any good arguments, basing most of his talk around the incredulity argument. The best bit was a conversation I had with a chap afterwards:

I had asked a question as to whether it was possible to be a Christian and believe in evolution (which MacKay essentially said no to). After the talk finished some guy came up to me and asked me why I thought evolution was called evolution. Before I could answer he said more slowly "evil"lution - there's evil even in the name". At this point I thought he was joking and said "no it's spelt e v O l u t i o n" to which he said I was deceived by satan. I asked him if it was my spelling or my beliefs that were deceived and he launched into a hand waving diatribe about intellectuals and then returned to his idea that there was "evil" even in the name (he wasn't joking!!). I then asked him how he knew that it was only I who was deceived and not him, to which he answered that he knew the truth!!

I went along to the talk trying to think the best of six day creationists however left with the distinct impression that they really are not very bright.

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